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  • Aniruddh Vajjhala

EMK Alpha - Our Story

EMK Alpha is the brainchild of a group of friends, innovators, and ‘Mech-heads’ who have always been passionate about Automobiles, Technology, Automation, and Software. We have been wanting to do something like this for a long time, but due to lack of resources, other projects, personal commitments, and various other reasons we were not able to give it the attention due. I think now is the best time for it to become a reality. India is an ever-growing market, and we predict there will be a serious need for the Logistics and Packaging solutions that we plan to develop. One thing that really bothered us while we were working in the industry was that companies were too strained to worry about the economics and management of incoming logistics. It felt like they did not find it relevant to dedicate resources to optimize this phase of product development. There is a lot to cut down in terms of time and money and we feel that there is a much better way to do this. EMK Alpha was primarily set up to provide tailored solutions for this issue.

Moreover, we realize that we have gained skills in a broad range of fields and there was a market need in other industries apart from Mechanical and Automotive. So, we also decided to venture into the IT field by offering Website Development services. We are also looking into the future to expand into developing web-based tools that will make Logistics even more intuitive, data-driven, and simple. The idea behind everything we are trying to achieve is simplicity which is ingrained in our tagline - "Engineering Simplified".

Logo and Tagline of EMK Alpha

Additionally, we have also made inroads into the traditional Engineering Services realm by offering customized solutions for CAD/CAM, Analysis, Testing, R&D, Product and Program Management Solutions, and Integrated Systems. Every project we work on is unique and needs a custom solution which may not be available off the shelf. We hope to reach a stage where we approach customers with solutions for their problems even before they can identify it themselves. But we at EMK Alpha would like to do things a little different. We understand the need for Sustainability and how important it is for the future of this planet. We hope to provide solutions that not only save time and money but also save the environment. Yes! It is possible to make money and go green at the same time! We hope to use our experience and skills to make a better tomorrow. Not for ourselves but for our children and their children who would like to see a better version of Earth than the one we are currently heading towards.

We are incredibly excited to be doing this and feel like we are ready to face the challenges that we will inevitably encounter on this journey.

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